The Locations of Ascension. 5. Santa Maria del Giglio

The Locations of Ascension. 5. Santa Maria del Giglio

“We leaned against a shop front just in front of the church’s facade; the pompous statues and curious bas-reliefs were dimly visible in the moonlight.” (Chapter 22) Santa Maria del Giglio has one of the most extravagantly grandiose church-facades in...
News on the Rialto

News on the Rialto

It’s an obvious headline, given the circumstances. And it’s been a long time since there has really been any serious news on the Rialto, whether we are referring to the Rivo Alto area (once the commercial heart of the city) or the bridge itself. Like most of the city...

Interview with Vincenzo Patanè, Videoteca Pasinetti, 15 June.

Mercoledì 15 giugno ● INCONTRI CON GLI AUTORI Ore 17: Presentazione del libro I frutti acerbi. Lord Byron, gli amori & il sesso (Cicero, 2016) di Vincenzo Patanè, con interventi di Gregory Dowling (docente Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia) e dell’autore, a...